
We’re making room for more great gifts!

Route 66 Casino always seeks out quality gifts for our Turbo Rewards members. And just like you, we have a closet where we store all the extra, miscellaneous items.  Now the time has come for us to clean out the closet and make room for even bigger and better gifts!

Plan to join us on Wednesday, June 5 and 19, 2019.
12pm – 8pm @ Legends Theater

How does this promotion work?
1. Use your Turbo Rewards card to play your favorite games!
2. Earn 250 same-day points, between the hours of 8am – 8pm.
3. 250 points = one voucher.
4. Once Turbo Rewards members have earned their points, they can swipe their player’s club card at any gaming kiosk for their gift voucher.
5. Redemption for gifts begins at 12 noon at Legends Theater
6. Gifts available will change based on availability and gifts may vary in their gift voucher value. For example, one gift may be worth one voucher, while another item is worth 3 vouchers.

Please note:
• Gift vouchers cannot be carried over to the next promotional day.
• You may earn up to 8 vouchers.
• Gifts are while supplies last! While supplies last (it was worth repeating, we want to ensure you get that gift you missed or the gift you loved!)