November 17, 2018 @ 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Legends Theater - Route 66 Casino
14500 Central Ave SW
I-40 Exit 140, Albuquerque
NM 87121
$45.00 - $65.00

Los 15 Grandes De Nuevo Mexico

Awards Show

Ticket Prices: $45, $55, $65

Saturday, November 17, 2018 / 7:30pm

Los 15 Grandes De Nuevo Mexico Music Awards is the premier outlet for honoring achievements in the New Mexico Latin Music Recording arts. This award recognizes excellence and creates a greater public awareness of the cultural diversity of New Mexico Music’s recording artists and creators by honoring artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the New Mexico Music recording industry.

Los 15 Grandes De Nuevo Mexico Music Awards will take place at Route 66 Casino’s Legends Theater on November 17th and will feature performances by the hottest and most prestigious names in the genre. Sparx, Lorenzo Antonio, Al Hurricane Jr, Abel Luceroo, Johnny Sanchez, Micky Cruz, Tanya Griego, and Rhythm Divine are the first performers announced for this year’s Grandes De Nuevo Mexico Music Awards.

Los 15 Grandes De Nuevo Mexico Music Awards brings New Mexico Music’s top talent together for one big evening of music.